
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Folk Art Angel Progress

Well I don't have a picture but I will give an update anyway. I have been working on the Folk-Ark Angels and I am about halfway done with the cross stitches on the angel that is holding the present. I am getting frustrated because I cant find the Kreinik thread that I need near my home. It is #4 (very-fine) in Citron. I will keep looking though. I will post a picture soon.

The rain is back in Oregon after a very hot dry winter. We got the pool put away just in time. I am gonna miss the BBQs and dips in the pool :-( The good news is that there is more time for cross stitch in the Fall and Winter! Yea!

Happy Stitching!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Cross Stitching in Public.

Today I wanted to talk about cross-stitching in public. By that I mean cross stitching in waiting rooms, bus stations, train stations etc. I work in a hospital and regularly walk by the waiting areas for surgery and the Intensive Care Unit. In two years I have only seen one gal stitching. I see a lot of crocheting and knitting but rarely cross stitching. I am wondering if it is all the stuff you need?.(chart, flosses, etc). Maybe it's the conditions (poor light, bad seating, etc).

I would never cross stitch in public because....I am a man. It's not's against the's unheard of! Before you try to reassure me that it would be fine.... I will explain... Since most the people who read my blog are women, many may not be familiar with "Man-Law". Man-Law clearly states that a man may not do girly things like cross-stitch in public. Why?.... Why do men do anything they do.....we don't know....that's just the way it is. Men also don't chat in the public bathroom... we just don't. I don't make the rules.... I just follow them.

The root cause could probably be tied to the thought that men who do "girly" things in public might be well.... let's just say they might swing from the other side of the plate. Not that there's anything wrong with that...

After all, some of my best friends are.......     Cross Stitchers :-)

Since I am a card-carrying follower of Man-Law, I have to keep my cross stitching on the down-low. Good thing I started a Blog!

If you cross stitch in public, let's hear from you!

Please stay tuned for my future blog entry...  "Do real men cross stitch?"

Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New Project at Last!

Since I am new to cross stitching, I did not know that it is not cool to have only one project going at a time. Almost unheard of! That's men for you...can't multi-task.

I did start Folk-Art Angels from Joan Elliott today. I am going to make these into Christmas cards for family. No progress picture yet but here is the finished design....

I am going to explore using silk floss for the wings.

Now I just need to start 21 other projects and I will be more of a "normal" cross stitcher :-)

Happy Stitching!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

WIPocalypse 2012

Check out Measi's WIPocalypse 2012 blog. This is a great way to get some WIP done in 2012!!

WIP Guardian Angel Update


Well my Hermit and Stitch weekend went well. I was able to stitch all day Saturday and half the day on Sunday. My progress sure is slow. I guess I am just a slow stitcher. I have decided to do white for the wings and silk floss for the grey areas. The silk white was just too bright and it has a purple sheen to it that does not fit the piece.

Why didn't I stitch all weekend? I am glad you asked. My beautiful wife invited two kids over which was a little distracting. I also cleaned the above ground pool for the winter and will put it away soon. I also went to Joann Fabrics and bought the fabric and floss for my christmas angels. I hope these don't distract me too much from my big project :-)

Happy Stitching!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hermit & Stitch Before Photo Guardian Angel

Hey everyone!

Well, I haven't made huge progress since my last photo. Let's call it "steady" progress. I usually stitch about 100 stitches a night. The big Hermit & Stitch weekend is the day after tomorrow. I am really excited. My goal is to fill in the green dress area and watch tons of college football. Go Ducks!!!!

Part of the reason I am so slow is that I have been railroading every stitch. I am getting faster though.

Wish me luck.

Happy Stitching

Monday, September 12, 2011

Hermit & Stitch Weekend

My wife has ok'd a Hermit & Stitch weekend for me. I will be spending every waking moment cross stitching and watching football. I am sooooo spoiled! I will post a before and after photo!

Have a great week!


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Crazy Cross Stitch Idea

I want to do a cross stitch of a regular white wall. So I can frame it and hang it in the hallway. It will just look like an empty frame!!!!

I know what your thinking... "That is the greatest idea ever in the history of ideas!" Your probably right but there are tons more ideas where that came from. My brain is always working!!!

Happy Stitching


Stitch All Weekend

My wife has agreed to let me stitch all day Saturday and Sunday of next weekend. Not this weekend but next weekend. I am so excited! I hope to make major progress on my WIP "Guardian Angel". She is so amazing and understanding!

I will also be watching as much College Football as my brain can absorb. I love this time of the year!! Since we turned off the cable, there aren't as many games to choose from but I should still be able to get in 8 hours of college football on Saturday and 8 hours of pro football on Sunday. Ok... I have men's church group on Sunday and maybe church...other than that...all cross stitch. Are you jealous? I don't blame you :-)

Go Oregon Ducks!!

Why Do I Love To Cross-Stitch?

Ok... I am totally hooked on cross stitching! While I try to maintain a balance of family time and cross stitch time, I just love to make those little stitches! What do I love about cross stitch?

I love watching the picture develop. In general, the progress is so slow, that the more I can stitch in one sitting the better.

I love it when the stitches are all identical and neat. Pretty little rows of stitches are a magical thing.

It helps calm my mind. I kind of go into a Zen state and it is very relaxing.

It engages me intellectually. I have to count carefully and plan my stitches. I am always thinking about how I can minimize the connecting threads and keep the front and back beautiful. I also want to avoid frogging if possible.

I enjoy looking at new projects to start. My eyes are definitely bigger than the time I have available to commit to cross stitching.

My goal is to make artistic, beautiful heirlooms. My hope is to create works that will stay on the wall. I feel good about giving them away to family and friends.

I am a perfectionist when it comes to cross stitch. This is definitely a pastime where there is always an opportunity to improve my technique and the appearance of my finished work. I read all the tips I can find.

Happy Stitching!


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

WIP Update - Guardian Angel

Yea! It's update time. I am posting an updated picture of my current project "Guardian Angel" from Lavender & Lace. I have been doing multiple columns of one color. The advantage of this is that I can tie off the colors in between these columns very easily. The disadvantage is that it is easier to make mistakes because the sections are far apart. Another bummer is that I have to wait a long time before I can see a section complete :-(

This week I double checked that the design is going to fit. Just barely! I will only have 7 stitches of room left on the top when I am done. Lesson learned: Use a bigger piece on fabric next time.

Happy Stitching!!
